Advanced courses

You've already studied astrology (probably even with me...), and you want to take it to the next level?

Excellence is within reach of those who desire it with strength and courage.

Archibald, pack leader.

Your profile n°1: You've taken many courses with me, but you're tired of missing bits and pieces, you need a regular course that puts everything into perspective, and you need a regular approach.

Your profile n°2 : You' re taking the false beginner course but you're wary of me and you know that if you don't get on the advanced course "boat", it won't come around for a few years... So you've decided to get on!

FYI: this new course format was designed primarily for my former students, which doesn't mean I'll never take on new ones again, but that I want to give a real helping hand to the first ones who came to me 😊.

What does this course offer?

  • Deepen your knowledge of specific astrological fields.
  • Support for your practice as a young astrologer.
  • Lots of application exercises and constant follow-up on my part.
  • A course from which you can leave after 4 lessons if you wish (the principle will be that we will follow the subjects indicated below). Please note, however, that if you leave, you will not re-join the course (as I need to progress with those who are there).
  • The sessions will be tackled in order, and roughly speaking, I'm planning four sessions per subject (but I leave myself the freedom to add more if I see that the group isn't keeping up).

In addition :

A group on the practice and reading of solar and lunar revolutions will also be offered from January 2025. It will be open only to those who have taken the Lahiri course (this year or others).

To access it, you'll need a solid grounding in astrology, a course on Lahiri, and a course on transits (either the one integrated into the advanced cycle, or another with me (there's been one every year for the past 3 years).

Practical details

Classes take place every other Tuesday evening, from 8 to 10:30 pm (but you can finish a little later), and cost 170 euros for two months of classes (4 sessions), payable as soon as the dates of the other four sessions are announced.

So for your budget, you should think of it as 170 euros every two months for this course.

You are free to leave after 4 classes, but you cannot rejoin (as this would delay the whole group). Sessions are recorded and made available to you.

This course will unfold over time, so if you don't like the way I do things, don't commit 😊.

WARNING, communicatingor distributing these sessions to third parties without asking my permission is grounds for immediate exclusion.

Extract from the program (session starting in June 2024):

ATTENTION, this course is fully booked!
To find out about upcoming sessions, contact the team:
  • Transits: both a predictive reading and a reading of what's at stake in a life, to learn how to prepare for these transitions and live them actively, understanding the role of transits in our lives.
  • Transits in astrological reading: predicting, anticipating and preparing for them.
  • Transits in personal development : how to integrate a transit.
  • Learn to read the general karmic system (intercept, retrogrades, axis of the nodes, moon position and moon cycle) to define both the challenges of this existence (weights, blockages, gifts, talents, difficulties) and the karma a native carries (key past life).  

  • Cross-referencing karmic readings and simple natal chart readings: how can we bring them into phase? How can we measure the impact of each reading, and how can we help people position themselves to resolve a problem or their life direction?
  • Reading Tropique/Lahiri and understanding the difference and conformity of approach between the two, learning how they complement each other.
  • How not to go crazy doing astrology 😊

All these topics and many more will be covered as the group progresses.

I understand that it's frustrating to read all this and not be able to sign up right away, but if I've been able to develop this course, it's largely thanks to all the previous sessions I've done with my current students, so it was only natural that I should give them priority.

Don't hesitate to contact the team if you are still motivated to join a future session: